Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bad apple

We have a little gate that closes off our living room to the rest of the helps contain Leah if we're on the middle floor and I need to feed Dallin.  We often leave it open when we're doing things in the kitchen or eating area so that Leah has the freedom to roam as she pleases, but sometimes she closes the gate on herself, and sometimes - as in the situation depicted below - she leaves her things on the other side:  

Please don't judge us for taking pictures instead of helping the poor girl out...we did eventually help her get the apple.


  1. muwhahahahahaha! it's like a monkey trap!! haha. giggle.
    no judging here. you KNOW i'd do the same thing!! :)

  2. I am still laughing out loud as I am typing this comment. SOOO funny. Love it! Poor Leah...being 1 years old can sure be frustrating!

  3. okay I am still laughing...and have never laughed so hard while in a room by myself....these made my day.
