I'm a couple months late for this post and now I have quite a bit to catch up on. The only reason I am able to post this even now is that I uploaded these pictures and started this post over a month ago, so I'm just finishing it up now. Rather than trying to catch up on everything before moving forward, I'll try and intersperse a few walks down memory lane amid future blog posts.
We did a terrible job of getting pictures of Thanksgiving, but my sister-in-law, Liz, got a ton of great ones that I may at some point find the chance to download from facebook and post on here (if it's okay with her!) but for now, here is a little bit from our trip to Boston for Thanksgiving:
We were so happy to be with all of Dave's family for the holiday - it was a somewhat unexpected opportunity for everyone to get together, as we hadn't originally been planning on going anywhere for Thanksgiving because of all the extra work that traveling requires (extra work on top of a daily life that already stretches us quite a bit). But in the end we were able to work things out so that we could be there, and though it was a lot of work, and our kids (ahem, Leah.) are not great travelers, or great sleepers in strange places (Leah, again), we were grateful to be able to be there.
We had a pack and play set up for him in an adjoining room, but it didn't work out too well the first night because he and Leah took turns crying through the night and waking each other up, so Dallin got moved into our room where he slept soundly in a suitcase! |
A delicious breakfast (if Leah looks tired it's because she cried MOST of the night before. Literally. The poor girl really had a rough time adjusting on this trip. We - Leah, Dave and I -went home and took a much-needed nap after this). |
Leah and Grandma! |
Concord |
Leah and her Uncle Frank |
...and now Dad and Dallin, too! |
Leah and Aunt Liz |
With Uncle Conrad (and Aunt Jen in the background) |
With Uncle Frank again |
LOVE her smile |
She was so happy to run all around (as always) |
She didn't know what to make of all the leaves and long grass that she fell into. Instead of standing back up, she slowly backed her way out of it by scooting. |
Catching some zzz's |
In front of the Boston temple (Leah was impossible to get a good picture with). |
Can you spot her? |
Again...that smile! |
Curt and his then-fiance, now wife, Lorie |
Sitting in a rocking chair made by Leah's Great-grandfather for her Aunt Liz |